Write For Us About Fashion, Beauty, Clothes, and Lifestyle


If you are selling those products on your website that are related to our niche then you have reached the right place. We are here to place your guest post along with your website backlinks. We are accepting guest posts on these selected niches Welcome to SLS Lifestyles. You can write about fashion, beauty, health, and lifestyle write for us

We are a blog that provides information. Your article must have useful information. We are not entertaining people here but providing useful tips, DIY, news, or any other useful information for all the people around the world. You can write about fashion, beauty, and health. we will not accept any irrelevant topics. The writer must stay on the topic along with the quality of writing. We will not accept AI-written content. The writer must be human. 

As you know, appearance is the most important thing that interacts with the people in the gathering. Whether it is a formal or informal gathering. These three things are included in the appearance. Health, beauty, and fashion are the three most important things that represent the entire personality of the person. Without any of these things can mess up anything. For instance, if a businessman or woman appears at a business event but his dress and health are inappropriate then these things can decline the interaction of other people. Appearance plays a vital role in attracting the clients and enhancing the business. Our blog is providing this information to all our audience.

Before sending the article you need to read the following instructions. You can write for us fashion, if your guest post fulfills our criteria then your content will be on our blog soon. So read the entire criteria before sending your guest post to us. 

Why You Will Write For Us

If you are looking for fashion, beauty, and health then you have reached a good place. We are here to provide a place for guest posts with lots of information and tips about men’s and women’s fashion. It doesn’t matter whether you are running a small business or a big but you can sell your products or services globally. If your product or services are relevant to our niche then you have reached the right place. We are here to place the guest post along with your website link in the content then let’s discuss your article submission by contacting us.

Content Structure

The structure must be according to our blog. Please have a look at our previously published blog to write for us health and other topics of our niche. The writer must keep in mind the following things while writing the guest post for our blog. 

  • Keep in mind our target audience. Our target audience is ordinary people of distinct professions. So don’t use jargon and technical terms in the content. The content must be of good quality but should be written in an understandable format so everyone can read it easily.
  • Your brand must be relevant to our niche. If you are selling products or services that are irrelevant to our niche then your article will not be entertained here.
  • See the previously published article to see the format and write in the accurate format. 
  • Your article must contain the image. Without an image, your article will not be accepted.
  • The article must be written according to SEO criteria. Any article without keywords can’t rank on Google. Keywords are necessary to get the traffic on your website.

The writer should follow the above key points to write the guest post in the correct format. The content structure must follow the above points to get accepted on our blog.

Niches of Guest Posts

Niches of Guest Posts

You can write about beauty, Travel health, and lifestyle. We will not accept any irrelevant topics. If your website is selling those products or services that are relevant to our niche then you have reached the right place. Topics of our blog niches are discussed in our below headings so read it carefully to get the guidance of the topics then start writing the guest post.

Blog Post Submission

We provide the email address where you can contact us to get the rates and other details. If you would like to ask any questions about our niche and publishing criteria or any other questions, don’t hesitate to email us. editor.lifestyles@gmail.com

SEO Criteria

A guest post that doesn’t follow the SEO criteria can’t be optimized on the Google search engine. Everyone knows that the competition is tough around the globe. Lots of companies published guest posts on a wide range of blogs. That’s why ranking on search engine keywords must be used in the article. Without keywords, no article can be promoted easily. 

The keywords, images. quality of content, Seo techniques, backlinks, internal links, attention-grabbing punchlines, examples, and references, these all play a vital role in making an amazing guest post. If any of these will be missing then the post will not have readers as well and can’t be optimized easily on the search engine. That’s why we put all these things and make the content attractive to grab a wide range of target audiences quickly. 

Guidelines for a Guest Post

You are required to write a guest post between 1000-1500 words. Below 1000 words of content will not be accepted. The guest post must be original and unique. Not previously published articles will not be accepted. The guest post must have information or tips for our audience. The promotional content will not be acceptable if it possesses no information. The post must be well-researched. Brainstorm the idea after researching a lot to write the unique content. 

I am explaining here a few points to write good quality content. So read these instructions carefully before writing the guest post.

  • Consider the common trend or problem that requires the solution or any tips that are required for the audience. 
  • The title must be the better punch line that grabs the attention of the audience at a glance.  The first paragraph clearly explains the topic and then starts the discussion in detail in the next paragraph.
  • Explain the process step by step because every piece of information must be conveyed in an understandable format for everyone.
  • Our target audience belongs to a distinct profession. Not everyone can understand the technical terms of other professions that are irrelevant to their fields.
  • You can also add citations of the sources from where you have got the information.

Follow the above guidelines if you can write for us beauty, health, and lifestyle. Then start writing after keeping in mind our guest post guidelines if you really would like to get approval at once. 

Backlinks in Content

The 1-2 backlinks in the article will be acceptable. No more than that will not be accepted. The backlinks are essential to get traffic from our blog to our website. It is a unique way to promote your brand online along with providing useful information. The keywords of the backlinks must be written naturally in the informative content to write a well-quality guest post. 

Rate of The Guest Post

Our rates are not too high or not too low. If you use now to move further. Our rates are negotiable so don’t worry about money. Lets contact us and discuss the rate with us. Email editor.lifestyles@gmail.com

Our Terms and Conditions

Read our terms and conditions carefully to write for us health, beauty, and lifestyle. Our terms and conditions must be fulfilled to get published on our blog site so read them carefully before submission of your article.

  • The article must be grammar-free and the information must be accurate. The well-researched and accurate information will be given priority in our publishing criteria.
  • The article length should be ideal.
  • Your article must have one image without it no article will be accepted. 
  • We have the right to edit the article and turn it into an accurate format.
  • We have the right to accept or reject the article.
  • We have the right to promote your guest post on our social networking channels after publishing it on our blog.

If you really would like to write for us health, beauty, and lifestyle. Then keep in mind our terms and conditions and then start accordingly so your article will be approved easily.

Unrelated Topics

We reject casino, gambling, gaming, crypto, adult, or others that are related to these topics. You can write about fashion, beauty, lifestyle and health. Merely these niche guest post submissions will be accepted. Any unrelated or adult content will not be accepted. We are here to provide useful information to our audience but we don’t prefer any adult or related content to our blog site.

Pitch Guidelines

It’s up to you whether you would like to submit the pitch first or would like to submit the entire guest post once at a time. But if you will submit the pitch first then we will guide you best to write the article according to our submission criteria. 

Here I am explaining briefly so you can write the best pitch, writing a pitch is not easy. To write a unique topic is not so difficult. The writer must research the topic first if the writer would like to write for us fashion. Then select the men’s or women’s fashion or health or beauty topic, whether it’s up to you that at which thing you would like to write. After finding the relevant topic and thorough research on this topic then start writing. The title must be attention-grabbing. The subheadings must be catchy and unique. The next important thing is that the guest post must be unique. We will not publish the previously published article.

If you want to submit the pitch first then write the summary of the article. If your pitch will be accepted then start writing the entire guest post. 

Write For Us Beauty 

There are a wide range of businesses whether small or big are running online and selling their beauty products globally. If you are in that then you have reached the right place. Health, beauty, and fashion write for us on these topics to promote your business by getting traffic from our audience.

If you are running a beauty salon. And would like to promote it online then you have reached the right place. Your guest post has the backlink of your site through which you will get the traffic from our target audience.

Write To Us Fashion 

Fashion is a wide category. In this, a lot of beautiful tips and amazing information are gathered at our blog platform where writers not only share useful information as well as amazing tips that are utilized by various actors, models, and actresses. This information is quite useful for households and working men and women to utilize in their daily lives. As you know, working people don’t focus on their appearance because they have no spare time for themselves. These future-oriented people focus on their work. They merely give priority to their work. 

So we are here to provide useful information and tips to maintain our appearance. As you know, appearance plays a major role in every field. Without this, nobody can succeed in his life. If the person appears in public in casual dress then how people interact with him. The gorgeous dress interacts with others easily. If you have an idea for fashion then write to us.

List of Guest Post Topics on Fashion

There are lots of things in fashion such as clothing, bags, shoes, and much more. There are lots of things that are required to discuss fashion. If you have an idea for fashion, write for us and share your amazing ideas and tips with our audience. I am listing here a few topics on fashion that will give the idea to the writers of what to write.

  • Personal appearance 
  • Shoes style
  • Office wearing style
  • Casual wearing style.
  • Party dressing tips.
  • Wedding dressing style.
  • Bags styling.
  • History of fashion.
  • The distinct culture of fashion.
  • Traditions of distinct countries regarding fashion.
  • Amazing and useful tips.
  • Innovation and technology of fashion products.
  • Fashion industry discussion.
  • Latest trends.
  • Fashion events and news.
  • And many more topics on fashion.

Fashion is a wide category. If the above-listed ideas are not enough then search the information along with brainstorming your personal experience and share the amazing tips and ideas with our target audience so write for us on fashion and other topics of our niche. 

  • Fashion write for us
  • write for us Fashion
  • Fashion write for us post
  • write for us healthcare Fashion
  • “Fashion + “write for us”
  • write for us + Fashion
  • Fashion + write for us
  • “Fashion” + “write for us”
  • write for us family Fashion
  • “write for us” Fashion
  • write for us” healthy Fashion
  • Fashion inurl:”write for us”
  • “Fashion” write for us
  • healthy Fashion “write for us”
  • nashville Fashion write for us
  • “write for us” inurl:”Fashion”
  • organic Fashion magazine write for us
  • healthy Fashion + “write for us”
  • Fashion magazines + write for us
  • intitle:Fashion “write for us”
  • “Fashion” “write for us”
  • write for us mens Fashion
  • Fashion + write for us
  • healthy Fashion write for us
  • Fashion “write for us” pay

List of Guest Post Topics on Beauty

If you are facing a problem in writing for us beauty then read the below topics that guide you on how to write and what to write so brainstorm your ideas and research well to write the best quality content and provide accurate information to our audience. The creatively written content has the best chance of being approved at once. 

  • Tips for nails.
  • Makeup tutorials.
  • Day makeup tips.
  • Party makeup ideas.
  • Tips for skin maintenance.
  • Recipes of face masks.
  • Recipes for hair solutions.
  • Discussion on skin types and solutions.
  • Beauty tips for skin.
  • Hairstyling tips.
  • Useful skincare products.
  • Making herbal products for the skin.
  • Selection of foundation color for distinct skin tone.
  • Makeup tips for appearing on camera.
  • Do’s and don’t for acne skin.
  • Beauty gift ideas for events.
  • Herbal hair oil formulas.
  • Prevention tips for hair and nails from breaking.
  • Selection of perfumes for distinct events.
  • Beginners guide for skin maintenance.
  • Product reviews along with useful tips.
  • Tutorials of nail art.
  • Selection of lipstick shades.
  • Home remedies for oily skin.
  • Tips for puffy eyes.
  • Much more amazing beauty tips.

The above listed topics are not enough to describe beauty but lots of other topics can be discussed for hair, skin, and nail beauty.  But these topics will give you an idea of what you should write for your audience then get the guidance before starting writing.

Write For Us Health

Our blog is not limited to fashion and beauty but we are also providing health information as well. The health is important for every person to stay alive and happy. The unhealthy person can’t give time to fashion and beauty so share your amazing tips and ideas and write for us about fashion and health to describe the solution for the health issues.

List of Guest Post Topics on Health

If you are confused about what to write or what not on the health topic then read the below topics that will give you an idea of what you should write for our blog. So read the listed guest post topics below.

  • Yoga tutorials.
  • Fitness tips.
  • Mental health.
  • Food and nutrition.
  • Morning habits.
  • Diseases discussion.
  • Herbal solution for diseases.
  • Home exercise tips.
  • Stress solution.
  • Depression and anxiety relief.
  • Home remedial solution for diseases.
  • Health and wellness.
  • Unlock mental peace.
  • Aromatherapy.

Write For Us Lifestyle

In Lifestyle Write for Us, you can discuss the daily life and issues that are required to solve to move further. The lifestyle has a wide range of topics that are required to discuss in which health, beauty, and fashion are written for us if have amazing tips and ideas to share with our target audience. And discuss every step in detail so our audience will understand it easily.

List of Guest Post Topics on Lifestyle

People face problems in their daily routine that are required to solve so if you have the flair for writing on lifestyle and fashion write for us then start discussing it in the article. Here I am sharing some ideas on lifestyle topics so read it to get the guidance.

  • How to organize the things.
  • How to save time.
  • Ways of avoiding distraction while working.
  • How to do self-motivation.
  • Discussion on the morning routine.
  • How to utilize spare time.
  • How to calm the mind in tension.
  • Goals and objectives of life.
  • Saving money habits.
  • Hard work and success stories.
  • Cleaning and decorating tips.
  • Recognition of one’s own personality.
  • How to manage time for family.
  • DIY tips and discussion.
  • Advice.

Lifestyle is a wide category that has a wide range of topics such as health, beauty, and fashion written for us and shares the details with our target audience.

Guidance for Searching Guest Post Topics

First of all, the main writer needs to focus on what the goal is and then start searching according to it. If the writer would like to promote his brand and enhance visibility then the selection of the informative topic must be related to it. The next important thing is to read the guidelines where guest posts would be published. The writer must have to fulfill that criterion to enhance the chances of the guest post approval. Then start writing after researching a lot. Study another guest post that how that have written. 

Finding a guest posting site is not easy. It requires time to research and then writing a guest post that fulfills the blog site criteria is not so simple. A well-written article can get the chance of publication on the blog. The writer must be creative and not merely write an informative article for the blog’s target audience but he has also put the keywords along to provide the information to promote the brand for which he is writing. That is called creative. For instance, beauty, lifestyle, and fashion are written for us. The selection of the topic must be according to it. And then putting the keywords of the brand site in it creatively is the main work. The writer must show his best.

  • Fashion “want to write for”
  • Fashion “submit blog post”
  • Fashion “contribute to our site”
  • Fashion “guest post”
  • Fashion “write for us”
  • Fashion “guest article”
  • Fashion “this is a guest post by”
  • Fashion “guest column”
  • Fashion “submit content”
  • Fashion “submit your content”
  • Fashion “submit post”
  • Fashion “This post was written by”
  • Fashion “guest blogger
  • Fashion “guest posts wanted”
  • Fashion “looking for guest posts”
  • Fashion “guest posts wanted”
  • Fashion “guest poster wanted”
  • Fashion “submit an article”
  • Fashion “submit article”
  • Fashion “guest author”
  • Fashion “send a tip”
  • Fashion inurl: “guest blogger”
  • Fashion inurl: “guest post”
  • Fashion “accepting guest posts”
  • Fashion “writers wanted”
  • Fashion “articles wanted”
  • Fashion “become an author”
  • Fashion “become guest writer”
  • Fashion “guest post courtesy of ”
  • Fashion “guest posting guidelines”
  • Fashion “suggest a post”
  • Fashion “submit an article”
  • Fashion “contributor guidelines”
  • Fashion “contributing writer”
  • Fashion “submit news”
  • Fashion “become a guest blogger”
  • Fashion “become a contributor”
  • Fashion “submit guest post”
  • Fashion + “write for us” + guest post
  • Fashion submit guest post
  • Fashion Clothes “write for us”
  • “Lifestyle” + “blogs” + “write for us”
  • Lifestyle “guest post”
  • Lifestyle “write for us”
  • Beauty “guest article”
  • Lifestyle “this is a guest post by”
  • Lifestyle “contributing writer”
  • Lifestyle “want to write for”
  • Beauty “submit blog post”
  • Lifestyle “contribute to our site”
  • Beauty “guest column”
  • Lifestyle “submit content”
  • Lifestyle “submit your content”
  • Beauty “submit post”
  • Lifestyle “This post was written by”
  • Lifestyle “guest post courtesy of ”
  • Lifestyle “guest posting guidelines”
  • Lifestyle “suggest a post”
  • Lifestyle “submit an article”
  • Lifestyle “contributor guidelines”
  • Lifestyle “contributing writer”
  • Lifestyle “submit news”
  • Lifestyle “become a guest blogger”
  • Lifestyle “guest blogger
  • Lifestyle “guest posts wanted”
  • Lifestyle “looking for guest posts”
  • Lifestyle “guest posts wanted”
  • Lifestyle “guest poster wanted”
  • Beauty “accepting guest posts”
  • Lifestyle “writers wanted”
  • Beauty “articles wanted”
  • Beauty “become an author”
  • Beauty “become guest writer”
  • Beauty “become a contributor”
  • Beauty “submit guest post”
  • Beauty “submit an article”
  • Beauty “submit article”
  • Beauty “guest author”
  • Beauty “send a tip”
  • Beauty inurl: “guest blogger”
  • Beauty inurl: “guest post”
  • “submit guest post” + “Lifestyle”
  • submit guest post + Lifestyle
  • Fashion Clothes “guest post”
  • Fashion Clothes “write for us”
  • Fashion Clothes “guest article”
  • Fashion Clothes “this is a guest post by”
  • Fashion Clothes “contributing writer”
  • HOME IMPROVEMENT “want to write for”
  • HOME IMPROVEMENT “submit blog post”
  • Fashion Clothes “contribute to our site”
  • Fashion Clothes “guest column”
  • Fashion Clothes “submit content”
  • Fashion Clothes “submit your content”
  • Fashion Clothes “submit post”
  • Fashion Clothes “This post was written by”
  • Fashion Clothes “guest post courtesy of ”
  • Fashion Clothes “guest posting guidelines”
  • Fashion Clothes “suggest a post”
  • Fashion Clothes “submit an article”
  • Fashion Clothes “contributor guidelines”
  • Fashion Clothes “contributing writer”
  • Fashion Clothes “submit news”
  • Fashion Clothes “become a guest blogger”
  • Fashion Clothes “guest blogger
  • Fashion Clothes “guest posts wanted”
  • Fashion Clothes “looking for guest posts”
  • Fashion Clothes “guest posts wanted”
  • Travel “guest poster wanted”
  • Travel “accepting guest posts”
  • Travel “writers wanted”
  • Travel “articles wanted”
  • Fashion Clothes “become an author”
  • HOME IMPROVEMENT “become guest writer”
  • HOME IMPROVEMENT “become a contributor”
  • HOME IMPROVEMENT “submit guest post”
  • Beauty “submit an article”
  • Beauty “submit article”
  • Beauty “guest author”
  • Beauty “send a tip”
  • Fashion Clothes inurl: “guest blogger”
  • Beauty inurl: “guest post”
  • “Beauty” “submit guest post”
  • submit guest post + Fashion Clothes
  • submit guest post Fashion Clothes
  • your keyword + inurl:write-for-us
  • Fashion Clothes submit guest post
  • SPORTS submit a guest post
  • SPORTS submit guest post

If you are interested in writing for us on fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and health then you have reached the right place. What are waiting for? Email us now. We will publish your informative content along with your brand backlinks and promote it in our social networking channels to boost the traffic to your site. So don’t miss this opportunity and contact us now. 

Email: editor.lifestyles@gmail.com