Men who stay energetic stay young. Young men are more motivated to stay energetic and productive. They make the most of the opportunities provided to them, tackling multiple tasks at once.
Staying energetic over the age of 40 is a task. This task becomes nearly impossible to follow for men who are now categorized as ‘middle-aged’. Just this term is enough to demotivate them, rendering them hopeless to recover that level of energy that they have experienced in their prime.
Make your 40s the prime years of your life. This article will focus on 5 tips to improve your energy level in your 40s.
Take care of your hormonal health
Hormones, specifically testosterone, are important to keep the energy levels up. Men rely on testosterone for their mental and physical health.
Testosterone production is a natural process in men. However, certain medical and mental conditions in men can interfere with the healthy production of testosterone. It is also hampered when men progress to their 40s, resulting in low energy levels.
Although a periodic decrease in testosterone production is natural, an abnormally low level of testosterone is a point of concern. Many doctors recommend testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to improve your testosterone level and, by extension, boost your energy levels.
The first step in getting TRT is to find a trusted health clinic that offers the best consultation in this regard. Clinics like Huddle Men’s Health offer TRT after proper consultation and testing. Go for the options that best suit your condition and keep your energy level at an all-time high.
Balance Your Nutrition
As you approach your 40s, your metabolism also ages with you. You can no longer digest anything at any time, even with the right workout plan. A balanced diet plan not only tells you what to eat. It also tells you when to eat.
The following nutrients boost your energy level if you take them in moderation.
Fats and Carbs
Fats are not always the enemy. Good fats like omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats go a long way to ensure a healthy and energetic lifestyle. Similarly, carbs taken in moderation help you replenish your energy levels during the day.
Kickstart your metabolism every morning by eating healthy fats in the form of avocado and nuts. After that, add in some carbs to reserve some energy for other daily activities.
All your hard-earned muscle mass starts to dissolve once you reach your 40s. Instead of working out more vigorously, be smart in your approach. When you add more protein to your diet, you retain your muscle mass by adding in a moderate workout routine.
Where you source your protein is also important. Meat is one of the major sources of protein, but too much of it makes you lose your muscle mass much faster. Source your protein with lentils for a change and alternate it with meat sometimes.
Vitamins, along with a few minerals, are required in small quantities, so they are often ignored and underestimated. This is the biggest mistake we make, as these “insignificant little nutrients” actually form important pathways for the production of testosterone and boost your energy.
As you approach your 40s, make friends with your vitamins. Fruits, vegetables and groundnuts are some of the few examples of food that is rich in these nutrients. Add some oranges and bananas to your diet as well to keep your nutrient level up to the mark.
Keep yourself hydrated
More than half of our body is water. Almost all processes happening inside our body require water as a medium. So it is not a good idea to ignore our water intake while we are busy in our everyday lives.
Dehydration impairs digestion. Impaired digestion results in low energy levels. Many hormonal pathways are also blocked due to low water intake, causing disrupted hormonal levels.
To keep your energy levels high in your 40s, count your glasses of water. Make sure the count reaches a healthy number of 10 every day.
Maintain a healthy weight
The common excuse for rapid weight gain in men is the lack of time and energy to commit to daily workouts. Weight loss is also a tough feat to establish when you are 40, busy, and constantly stressed and tired.
While it is understandable that you cannot keep working out with the same vigor as a man in his 20s, giving up is not an option. Embrace the change that your body is going through. Introduce moderate workout practices in your routine that you can easily follow every day. Remember, consistency is key.
If you think that physical workout routines are more taxing with your schedule and energy levels, dive into the world of yoga. Yoga is known to keep your energy levels up while keeping you mentally relaxed.
Manage your sleep schedule
Social media and society have set impossible standards that we think we need to maintain. Men in their 40s start suffering from sleepless nights in order to achieve anything and everything that is expected of them.
Commendable, but the effort takes a toll on your health. Your energy levels are at their lowest during the night, as it is the time for your body to recharge and reload. Continuing to work through the night on low energy can increase restlessness and fatigue.
As you wake up, your testosterone is at its highest level. High testosterone boosts your energy. Utilize that energy to start your day with a good workout and a healthy breakfast. This routine helps you retain your energy levels throughout the day.
A good practice to sleep through the night is to go to bed when you are physically exhausted. Staying in bed when you are not quite ready to sleep can result in unnecessary laziness and it also disrupts your sleep through the night.
Wrapping up
As you approach your 40s, stay in touch with your physical needs. Learn to read your body changes and adapt your lifestyle accordingly. Low energy levels are a cause of concern if they last a few days. Eat healthy and exercise in moderation. While you do so, do not forget to ask for professional help where your health is concerned. Follow your medical follow-ups with your doctor and keep an eye on your hormonal levels.